Sunday, April 23, 2006

hehehe! lookies!

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Monday, August 22, 2005


My very first animation! YEY!!
anyway, i shall try and post on here more often because i'm going into year 10 now.
i chose Art so i should have more stuff to put up, but look at the link because i put up stuff more on that.
nance xx

Monday, August 15, 2005


A tall Ravenclaw 4th year poked her head round the door. It was well past midnight and, luckily for her, the teacher was asleep. She crept in and walked over to the desk with her satchel leaned against her hip. With one swift movement, her wand was in her hand and she had muttered a small spell.Two of the 3 draws were open and she began to carefully check the contents of each. But it seemed that she was dissatisfied as she slammed them closed and turned her attention to the remaining draw with a huff after moments.A barrage of spells, coloured light flashing everywhere, leaped forth from her wand, all of them aimed at the draw. But still, it wouldn't open.The dark haired Ravenclaw paused, tapping her wand thoughtfully against her cheek. She began to pace lightly back and forth, eyes resting intently on the problematic draw.Suddenly, an almost evil grin appeared on her face. As though she had never stopped, she sprung on the draw once more."[i]Bombarda[/i]" she said forcefully, glaring at the draw as though daring it not to open.Within moments, a flash of ice blue light (complete with sparkles), threw itself out of her wand and entered the draw through the cracks in its surface.There was a pause in which the girl turned away from the door.Then the draw exploded, shards of wood splintering off in all directions, embedding themselves into the wall and floor.Then silence.Slowly, the stormy eyed girl turned around to face the draw. Well, what was left of it.There was a gaping hole in the woodwork, with faint burn marks flaring outwards. Alot of wood lay scattered on the floor.The Ravenclaw grinned and stepped forward. Within the ruins she could make out her goal. Swiftly she snatched the object, put it in her satchel and left.It wouldn't be a good thing to get caught when she'd just gotten her prize.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

if i knew, so would you.

Image hosted by This is ment to be either Lucy or Sarah in a story that me and a few of my friends are making. Probably Lucy.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

This be a draft of my lyras' tree.

Image hosted by

Monday, May 16, 2005

Image hosted by

Thursday, May 12, 2005

my poems.

These are some poems that I'm entering for a poetry contest.

Bad-hair Boy.
I am forever tormented by,
Ahead of pointed hair.
If only i could talk
To the boy it sits on.
That boy,
Over there.

That boy was once
My closest friend;
His hair lay calm and flat.
But when he became popular,
The flat hair went just like
Orig. created on 18.3.2005.

This next one i have published on the link above.
My name on fiction press is called Ipse Baie.

Tear Marks.

The cat brought in a mouse today.
I know the cat meant well; I whacked it anyway.
The poor mouse looked so perfect in death,
Soft and calm, as its verylast breath.
Five minutes later the evidense is gone.
All apart from one.
One tear stain down my face.
Wanting to put the mouse back in its place.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Sunlight. Silence. Flame.

In the hell which is school I push my way through the endless clouds of Anoyence and Waste-of-time. I have lost it - the golden path is close but not visable. The Chosen Few who know the path of dreams well, stick to it ceremoniously; never wavering, never falling. Only those who are observent enough to notice the few become Chosen themselves - I am happy that I was one of them. The Way is clearer when you keep to the gem-strewn cobbles of dreams. You can avoid getting in too much hassle with 'The Ones who are Low'. Or, as some call them, "The Fallen Ones." Most Chosen keep straight to the path, but there are many who are at the edges, helping those who have not yet come to the fork in the road to choose the right way. I am one of them, but now I have stepped off the path and have lost it... for the moment. A cloud lies over the entrence to the Way of Dreams - which missleads the unpoisoned into choosing the wrong way. The cloud is made of a puple mist, with gold sparks thrown in for good meausure. The First of the Chosen, who were the most powerful (being First), had created it - a thing of wonder and great beauty. Not that the Unspoiled would notice. The Clouds frighten the Unlearned. Frighten them into believing the tales of The Fallen Ones. The Ones who are Low have ways of creating the feeling of happyness from what, truly, is Waste. Utter Waste. Of everything.
A gleam catches my eye; my face is graced with a smile. I have found my path again - not far from where I left it. A message is scrawled in Our Toung in the sand outside the path.
In English it Reads: Sunlight. Silence. Flame.
My eyes widen. All will be lost if speed is not given.
I cross out the message with my athame. Close my eyes. Step forward.
A rush of cold air. Many voices, calm and happy - joyful. images pass through my mind. Sunlight. Trees of great size. Fruit. Green leaves. Life. Helpfullness. Gratitide. Abundence...
Gradually Silence. Still, cold air flows with force. Empty. Void. Sleeplessness. A gentle smell of ash. Becoming stronger. That's Not right. Warmth, Sticky warmth, Over-powering heat.
Then more voices. Deeper this time. No safety. Anger. Hate. Spite. Malevelence. The wind drops suddenly. Unbearable heat. Red light in my closed eyelids. Oppressive. Sickly. Malicious. Pain. I hold out my hand, eyes still tightly shut. A smaller, smoother, cool palm is pressed into mine hurriedly. I grasp it. Open my eyes.
I'm back on the side of The Path of Dreams. Lyra's with me. I smile at her, then push her to the gems.
She is gone.

Saturday, April 30, 2005


To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
William Blake

I love that poem...
I love kimi aswell... *hugs kimi*
also there's Deb, Raz, Dik, Sammy, Nicole, and many others... but they will have to comment to get hugs. :P
nancykinsles xx

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

me a... WRITER!!! (yay).

hehehe... me thinks i should explain.
"I am a collosal pervert. No form of sexual depravity is too low for me..."
Ahem.. If you beleived that then -you- are *strange*.
I enjoy writing, reading and drawing.
And so, me going to write random things, link random drawings and type out exerpts on this blog. Please feel free to mock/praise or help me out with them in the comments thing at the bottom.
nancy xx